Happiness Psychologist & World Record Holder

I’m Max Weigand

I have created this cheat sheet to make the process of interviewing me for your show as easy as possible. Below, you will find a list of topics, ideas, and questions we can talk about. I look forward to meeting you!

You can book below at my Calendly, any time available will be perfect.


I`m a Happiness Psychologist with a Master`s degree in Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology. For more than a decade, I have obsessively studied both the art and science of self-actualization in order to help others close their Potential Gap – the space between who they are and who they could be if they stopped sabotaging themselves.

I believe that we`re all living our lives with the metaphorical handbrake turned on — pushing and striving for more, but simultaneously holding ourselves back with limiting beliefs, negative habits, and unhelpful emotions. My mission is to help others break free from the chains of these self-sabotaging patterns in order to create the bliss, success, and abundance we are all capable of.

I regularly consult for Fortune 500 companies on the topics of peak performance and happiness as well as work with ambitious individuals from all walks of life to help them unleash their full potential. As a fellow podcast host (Max Out Show), I have also interviewed and collaborated with hundreds of high performers ranging from Olympic Champions to FBI agents and CEOs. In addition, I hold the World Record for the fastest Half Marathon run barefoot in the snow.

Here are some of the ideas we can discuss:

  • Full aliveness comes from satisfying your psychological needs: Just like we need to fulfill our physiological needs of food and water, we also need to breathe oxygen for the soul by satisfying our psychological needs for love, growth, virtue, meaning and love.

  • You will torture yourself to the degree to which you`re not actualizing your full potential: The great psychologist Abraham Maslow once remarked that “If you deliberately plan on being less than you are capable of, you will miserable for the rest of your life.” It is only when we expand ourselves to the utmost of our capacity that we experience the maximum of joy, bliss, and authentic pride.

  • An aimless mind will be occupied by basic impulses and immediate gratification rather than the glorious possibilities sleeping inside of you: Without an invigorating vision and a clear plan for action, the brain will default to what is safe, pleasurable, and easy. Needless to say, that`s the opposite of what we want if we`re aiming at world-class in our personal and professional lives.

  • We are drowning in pleasure, yet starving for meaning: Today`s society is built around satisfying the cravings of our ancient survival mechanisms, hijacking the dopamine system with immediate pleasures that leave us feeling empty and dissatisfied. True fulfillment, on the other hand, is the art of finding deep meaning in your daily existence without the use of external substances.

Suggested questions:

  • What does it mean to be fully alive?

  • What is Oxygen for the Soul?

  • What are the psychological needs we need to fulfill for a deep sense of bliss and meaning?

  • What is the Potential Gap and how can we close it?

  • What are the greatest obstacles to achieving our goals?

  • What is mental fitness and how can I develop it?

  • Why is Positive Energy the key to happiness and success?

  • What does research say about the relationship between happiness and success?

Additional Resources: